Welcome to the Steamy Wonders MOOC! This MOOC has been developed to support women who are aspiring to develop a career in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) sectors, offering a wide range of educational resources aimed to assess their own aptitudes, as well as develop their skills and confidence to help them identify potential careers in “male-dominated” STEAM fields.
These resources comprise a toolkit of 35 interactive infographics addressing the personal deficits of individuals to enable them identify the right career choice in STEAM. It will address the motivational, confidence, planning, resilience and career management deficits that have been identified in research as key inhibitors of women in STEAM. Each partner will develop the content for 1 interactive infographic for each of the STEAM subject/career areas.
The in-service training programme for VET tutors comprises a set of pedagogical and technical guidelines aiming to support front line educators and career management experts to build an understanding of the potential of women in STEAM sectors, as well as to support their continuous professional development and enable them to expand their practice into new online learning environments.
A Community of Practice (CoP) is a group of people who share common interests in a specific domain and come together to share common knowledge and skills. The Steamy Wonders Community of Practice was established with the goal of engaging women in a collective learning process in which each can learn from each other’s knowledge and experiences and support each other through networking and collaborative work in relation to the shared domain of interest and related topics: examining the barriers and discrimination that many women face in STEAM sectors and finding ways to build their competence and condifence in pursuing a career in science.
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.